Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I have just completed one of the craziest weekends known to man! We had our CSSM Annual Banquet and National Council meetings. The insane craziness started with...
  • Thursday was filled with all my prep for the Friday/Saturday meetings. I have to put agendas together with all the extras of what is discussed in the meeting. And, put the last finishing touches on the banquet and other things.
  • Thursday evening, we had the CSSM family supper. We had 6 branch directors and 7 national council from across Canada along with the 7 national executive and their spouses and national office staff. It was a nice evening.
  • Friday I was up and out of the house at 7:15am in order to stop at the office and then make it to the church we rented for our meetings/banquet. Meetings started at 8:30am. We went all day - this year I decided to sit in as much as I could, even though some of it was VERY boring. At lunch, I had to run for pizza. After lunch, I decided to pull out of the meetings and concentrate on the banquet details. Two weeks ago, I was soo worried that we weren't going to have enough people. But, our attendance was 300. It was awesome. And, we had an anonymous donor put forth a challenge – they would match the donation up to $20,000! Isn't that amazing! God answers prayer!!! The evening went late'ish – I was home by 11pm but couldn't sleep because my leg was aching like you wouldn't believe. Guess I'm out of practice of wearing heels OR I shouldn't have been running around in them.
  • Saturday our meeting continued on starting at 8:30am until 5pm. We had a new guy on the board that hadn't seen the office yet, so my friend Agnes and I met him and his host there. They walked in with roses. 2 dozen white roses! And, then they offered to take us out for supper. It was awesome. I feel so spoiled now.
Now life is going to seem so boring...or will it?
Below is a picture of me on banquet night...


Laura said...

Wow - that is so awesome! Sounds busy, but wonderful. And that picture of you is gorgeous! :) Glad to hear that you survived a crazy week.

Faith's Taiwan said...

Carolyn you are so beautiful!!
Keep smiling.